Star Future

Our Team

Clinical Staff Information

Star Future serves individuals from age of 2 to 18. Staff have experience with a range of diagnoses.
Our Clinical team is comprised of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), Clinical Supervisor, and Behavior Technicians (BTs or Behavior Therapist).

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)

All of our BCBAs have a national certificate through the Behavior Analysis Certification Board, and have a master’s degree in applied behavior analysis or a related field, have completed a practicum providing applied behavior analysis services. BCBAs complete client assessments, develop treatment plans, and provide ongoing supervision to Clinical Supervisor and Behavior Technician staff.

Clinical Supervisor

Clinical Supervisors have previous experience providing services as a behavior technician and provide direct treatment and ongoing supervision to Behavior Technicians. Clinical Supervisor conduct procedural integrity checks to ensure high treatment integrity and develop programming for treatment objectives under the supervision of a BCBA.

Behavior Technician (BT)

BTs provide direct treatment consisting of skill acquisition and behavior reduction programs under the supervision of a Clinical Supervisor and BCBA. Our behavior technicians are fully trained Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) certified by Behavior Analyst Certification Board.

Star Future Services

ABA Services/Program

Star Future’s ABA services include: assessments of the client’s skills, development of goals and objectives, family education, clinical supervision, and direct one-to-one behavior intervention provided by a behavioral health professional or behavioral health technician trained in the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Following the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, we developed a treatment approach for clients with autism, which focuses on minimizing challenging behaviors and maximizing skill acquisition. Once new behaviors are mastered, we focus on generalization with the goal of transitioning each client into the mainstream educational system and community. If necessary, we also provide school shadowing service so clients have the support they need in the classroom. We teach self-help and safety skills, build language and communication, as well as target an array of advanced skills such as theory of mind, social skills, and executive functioning. With the input of parents and the client’s caregivers, we set challenging goals for our team and the client, and track progress on each skill domain carefully.

Part of our program consists of reducing the frequency of maladaptive or challenging behaviors exhibited by the client  by teaching appropriate replacement behaviors. It should be noted that the outcome of the client’s treatment is dependent upon the specified client’s skills, the severity of behavioral problems, the client’s availability for services, and the ability of parents to follow the behavior plan established to be appropriate for the client. In general, our ABA program will address challenging behaviors including but not limited to excessive tantrum behavior; aggression to self and others, property damage, or elopement; as well as a variety of other maladaptive behaviors. However, each client will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine if Star Future’s program can appropriately address the client’s challenging behaviors.


All ABA services start with an initial assessment to identify treatment objectives and develop the client’s treatment plan. Parents/guardians may be asked to assist in gathering some information or data during the assessment process. If ABA services will focus on increasing a participant’s skills, the assessment will evaluate the participant’s current level of performance on these skills and determine which instructional strategies and interventions are most likely to prove effective. If ABA services will focus on decreasing ongoing problem behaviors, a functional assessment and/or functional analysis activities (e.g., interviews, checklists, direct observations) will be conducted. These assessment tools are designed to provide information critical to the development of effective treatment procedures. After the assessment is complete, a treatment plan will be developed and submitted to funders for approval. Before starting services, the treatment plan will be reviewed with parents/guardians and parents/guardians will be asked to provide a signature indicating that they consent to treatment described in the treatment plan.

Ongoing assessments are conducted to probe client’s undeveloped skills and test generalized skills. Daily therapy data are analyzed to adjust treatment plan and Behavior Intervention Plan.

Remote Clinical Services

Do you live too far from Star Future local service area? 

We can still help!

In order to serve those families not living near East Bay, Star Future provides Telehealth therapy and clinical supervision if the client’s funding source allows.