Star Future

Occupational Therapy

    A child’s day is made up of activities and routines, or “occupations.” These occupations may be playing with toys, coloring, eating with a spoon or putting on a T-shirt. All of these activities are essential for a child’s development. Occupational therapy helps children develop these skills.


Improve Fine Motor Skills

Occupational therapy can help children to develop fine motor skills to improve ability to grasp and release toys and increase dexterity of the fingers. This may also include pre-handwriting and handwriting skills

Address Self Care Delays

Addressing self-care delays include daily routines such as bathing, dressing, brushing teeth, and feeding yourself. These tasks often involve strengthening the hands, fingers and upper body to improve daily function.

Improve Attention to Tasks

We can help children develop skills to address difficulties with regulation, attention, and sequencing of tasks through play and by applying a “just right challenge” that motivates the child to meet their individualized goals.